Welcome to our website

on the following product pages we would like to give you an overview of our products in the range of money processing. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our team by phone or email.

Discover now

We offer high reliability combined with simple operation and attractive prices.

Excellent Service

Our trained sales staff, some of whom have more than 20 years of experience in this industry, will be pleased to provide you with advice.

10 days satisfaction guarantee

You can test your device (with a few exceptions) for 10 days and simply return or exchange it if there are any problems.

Everything around
the money processing

Counterfeit Detectors

Welcome to our range of electronic counterfeit detectors! Discover reliable solution...

Ccounterfeit Detectors

Banknote Counter

We divide the banknote counters into several groups, depending on their intended use. If you only wa...

Banknote Counters

Coin Counter

Coin counters help you to save time and, depending on the design, also to package the coins in a bankab...

Coin Counters

Cash Products

Of course, we also present a wide range of equipment related to money processing. If you are inter...

Cash Products

Our Stars

Below, we present the devices that most customers have chosen from our three main categories of counterfeit detectors, coin counters and banknote counters. 

CCE 20
Allrounder - ECB tested / LCD display / Display via red/green LED bars / Addition function / EUR-CHF-GBP-PLN-CZK-HUF-BGN-RON

CCE 7000
1.5 Pocket banknote counter with high-quality counterfeit detection and built-in thermal printer

CCE 4400
Coin sorter for large quantities of Euro coins (2.00 Euro - 0.01 Euro), ECB tested counterfeit detection 07/2023

CashConcepts CCE 3200

Save money now!

At regular intervals, we offer devices in the special offers category that come from our test pool for ECB tests, were used as trade show devices or exhibition pieces or are refurbished devices. Check back here regularly, it's worth it. 

Discover special offers

Service & Contact

You can use the Service button to register your returns in case of malfunctions or use the Contact button to get in touch with our sales department in case of questions about devices or because of the creation of an individual offer. 

Service Contact Whistleblower

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About us

CCE GmbH (former CCE - Cash Concepts Europe GmbH), an innovative company, is located in Lindau at Lake Constance since its foundation in 2009. We are specialized in the development and production of OEM products in the field of cash processing.

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